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General Manager Proposed FY 2025-2026 Budget Presentation


Mark your calendars for Jan. 21 at 7 PM for the GM’s Proposed Budget Briefing to the Membership for the fiscal year that begins May 1, 2025. This is your opportunity to ask the GM and senior staff questions about the budget and annual assessment.

Update 1/17 : 2025/2026 Budget documents are being uploaded to the website as they are updated and completed. Continue to monitor the Budget Page to receive the information as more information becomes available.

Update 1/13: The Board of Directors and Finance Committee made numerous changes and updates to the proposed budget on Friday and Saturday which has delayed the publication of the document on the orginally scheduled day of today, 1/13. The document is being updated and we hope to have it available to review before the end of the week. The proposed budget document will be available online at

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