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Capital Projects Archives

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Flat Run Forebay
14th Pond Retrofit

Clubhouse Area Recreation Complex Project (Completed June 21, 2019)
2016 Welford Engineering Traffic Impact Study 
Senior Housing Complex (Project Terminated)
Allbox Kiosk Project
10th Fairway Project

Flatrun Forebay Project

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Lake of the Woods is working to implement a plan for the Flat Run area of the main lake to reduce sedimentation in the Main Lake. As of  June 2018 LOWA is currently reviewing conceptual designs for the construction of forebay. A forebay is an artificial pool of water in front of a larger body of water. The larger body of water may be natural or man-made. They may be used upstream of reservoirs or lakes to trap sediment and debris (sometimes called a sediment forebay) in order to keep the larger body of water clean.

Project Information Links


14th Pond Retrofit Project & Detours

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The 14th Pond Retrofit  project is scheduled to begin February 1. When complete this project will prevent approximately 38 pounds Nitrogen per year, 5 pounds Phosphorous per year, and 4,346 pounds suspended sediment per year from reaching Keaton’s Lake.

Project Images

Former Pond

Proposed New Pond (Rendering)



Project Information Links

2017 LOW Golf Nutrient Management Plan

Golfers will be required to bypass the 14th hole. The following detours will be in place for golfers:
After Golfers have completed Hole 13 they will proceed to Tallwood Trail.
Golfers will turn left onto Tallwood Trail and follow the signs to Birdie Road.
Golfers will turn right onto Birdie Road and follow the sign to Westover Parkway.
Golfers will turn right onto Westover Parkway and follow the signs to Hole 15 tees.
Golfers will turn left onto the cart path leading to Hole 15 tees.


Clubhouse Area Recreation Complex Project

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The Clubhouse Area Recreation Complex Project (CARC) is a major capital project that is designed to reconstruct, renovate, update the amenities in the area of the Clubhouse. The CARC project gives our community 25 ADA-compliant parking spaces for the Clubhouse, beach, fitness center and pool. Our old beach bathrooms will be replaced and moved closer to the beach. The fifty-year old bathhouse/fitness center building will be replaced with new infrastructure that will better meet the needs of our members. The swimming pool will be replaced with a/multipurpose pool that will meet the needs of all ages, from toddlers to seniors, as well as the needs of our physically challenged members. The old snack bar for the pool will be replaced by a new snack bar serving all members using the Clubhouse beach area, not just pool users. A new basketball court will be built for our youth to replace the old court. Read the final report by clicking the link below.

>>>CARC Final Report<<<


Downey Scott Cost Estimate- February 22, 2018

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Project Photo Archive

Click Here to view the full photo album.


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CARC Project Information Links

Click on the links below for more information about the project:

Lake Currents Articles Regarding CARC

Wack General Contracting Master Schedule (updated 4/1/19)

Project Graphics & Renderings



 2016 Welford Engineering Traffic Impact Study 

This study completed because members had become increasingly concerned about traffic operations at the LOWA Main Entrance on Route 3. To help better understand existing traffic problems and possible futur problems associated with the Walmart & Signature Station rezoning projects, LOWA enlisted Welford Engineering to provide a review and offer professional guidance.

Click here to read the study.


Senior Housing Project

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Proposed senior housing project is NOT going forward.

   Conceptual Proposal Letter
   Phase 2 Senior Housing Report
   Public Summary June 12
   Senior Housing Executive Summary
   Senior Housing Finances Speadsheet
   Map of proposed housing area

Phase One Report (submitted to the Board on February 9, 2006 by the Planning Committee)

Phase Two Report (dated June 30, 2009 submitted by the Planning Committee)

AllBox Kiosk Project

Curious about the AllBox?

The AllBox is a self-serve visitor access kiosk that allows members to admit their guests remotely. It works with our existing TEKControl App and the intent is to use it during the hours of 10 PM and 6 AM when statistics show that we typically have fewer than 13 visitors a night. Utilizing technology will help us to address the rising costs of labor.

For more information on the TEKWave ALL Box click the links below.

TEKWave AllBox - Community
Frequently Asked Questions about the AllBox


Check out our presentation from the LOWA Security Townhall.
Here is a quick video about how the AllBox works.

Check out the Demo hosted at the Clubhouse September 1. 

10th Fairway Project