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START Receiving Text Alerts 
From the LOWA Text Message Service

LOWA officially switched from the RainedOut text messaging service to Jonas SMS. Switching to Jonas allows LOWA to keep the subscription list synchronized with our member database, allowing us to potentially reach more members with our text alerts.
Text messages will ONLY be used to notify subscribers of critical, timely, and unscheduled information within Lake of the Woods which affects daily living within LOW, such as:
a. LOW road blockages/closures
b. Unexpected closure of an amenity
c. Closure of lakes for any reason unrelated to weather
You can still subscribe at any time; here’s how!
OPTION 1: Self Subscribe

  1. FIRST Go to and check that we have your mobile number on file.
    1. Log in to
    2. Click on your name or profile picture / avatar in the upper right corner of the website.
    3. Select “Edit My Profile” from the dropdown menu.
    4. Scroll down to the Personal Info section and update your “Mobile Number.”
    5. Scroll down to the bottom and click “Save.”
  2. THEN text the word START to 833-535-3674
OPTION 2: Contact Us to Subscribe
Can’t get online to update your mobile number? Give us a call or send us an email, we are happy to assist you with subscribing to text messages.
Communications Department  
Member Services

It’s that easy. To opt out of text alerts in the future, just reply STOP to the same message thread (833-535-3674).

If you interested in receiving email notifications ---> Click Here