Snow Preparations & Community Tips
When the National Weather Service predicts a snow or ice storm that may impact our region, members are advised to monitor their local weather stations and take appropriate precautions.
LOWA Maintenance preps all roads and facilities for storms. Salt and sand is used to treat roadways. Liquid and/or granular ice melt is used to pretreat sidewalks. Maintenance staff, roads, buildings and grounds crews, ready
all necessary equipment and will be on site throughout the storm.
Water levels of both lakes are monitored and the sluice gates will be opened to lower the levels of the lakes as needed for severe or ongoing storms.
Important Information For Members:
Stay off the roads during a weather emergency.
If you must go out, please drive carefully, and understand that LOWA personnel will be working around-the-clock to improve road conditions.
Plan to have a supply of food, water, and medication for all people and pets in your household so that you can avoid traveling when road conditions are unsafe.
Snow removal is conducted in order of priority.
1. Entrance and exit at main gate.
2. Fire and Rescue entrances.
3. Lakeview Parkway, rear entrance, and Equestrian Center.
4. Secondary (feeder) roads, with emphasis on hills, curves, and intersections. During periods of heavy accumulations of snow, these roads may be kept plowed to a one lane width.
5. Except for an emergency, all other roads, cul-de-sacs, and dead ends will be plowed when the accumulation of snow terminates. Removal will then be done systematically, section by section, until all roads are open.
6. Mailbox stations and trash compactor site.
7. Parking lots. (Parking lots for Association offices and facilities will be cleared prior to opening for business.)
There is no way to plow the roads without pushing the snow and ice into members’ driveways. When shoveling your driveway, push the snow at the street edge to the right side of your driveway when facing the street. This will insure minimal throwback from the plow onto the driveway.
Also, please remember not to park your vehicles on the side of the road. Do not park close to the edge of the road. Parking behind the culvert pipe in your driveway is a good rule of thumb.

Sledding in LOWA common areas is only permitted in parks or on the hills in the Clubhouse parking lot or Sleigh Hill near the Main Marina.
Do not sled on the dam or on the golf course.