During the August 21, 2024 Board of Director Meeting, the board awarded the contract for the Patrick Henry Court Drainage Improvement Project to
Steady Construction, LLC of Fredericksburg, Virginia in the amount of $883,361, with funds previously designated in the Capital Spending Plan for the project in the Repair and Replacement Reserve and New Asset and Improvement Reserve. The motion to award the construction contract was made by Board Director Henecke and it passed unanimously.
Project Schedule: The construction project is scheduled to be completed in 140 days. The projects will start within 30 days after notice to proceed (NTP). Substantial completion date March 1, 2025.
Background: The impetus for the Patrick Henry Court Drainage Improvement Project was the June 2018 flooding of private lots and Lakeview Parkway near the Small Marina. LOWA engaged A. Morton Thomas & Associates, Inc. (AMT) to study the drainage issue along this part of the community. The results of the study showed that there were changes needed to improve the drainage and prevent the area from flooding in heavy rain. LOWA acquired the necessary easements and land purchases to facilitate the project.
Consideration of Awarding a Contract for the Patrick Henry Court Drainage Improvement Project.
Stay informed on the Patrick Henry Court Drainage Improvement Capital Project
HERE at our LOWA Capital Projects webpage. Updated timelines and what to expect wil be posted here as new information is received.