To: LOWA Board of Directors
From: Phil Rodenberg, General Manager PR
Date: April 12, 2024
Re: General Manager’s Report Addendum
ANNUAL ASSESSMENT LETTER DELIVERY / EXTENDED HOURS. The annual assessment letters mailed by our postal contractor Mailing Services of Virginia began arriving in member mailboxes on April 10. On March 29, we emailed assessment letters to over 500 members who authorized receipt by electronic means. Business at the Member Services window has been steady and began increasing on April 11. To better support members when making their annual assessment payments, Member Services will be open on Saturday, April 27 from 9:00am to 5:00pm and on Wednesday, May 1 from 8:30am to 6:00pm. We also plan to have additional staff on hand during these times.
REFERENDUM COMMUNICATIONS UPDATE: As of April 12, the Restrictive Covenants Referendum has reached 1,539 votes or 55% towards our goal of 2,800 votes. The Board of Directors and the LOWA Communications Department are implementing the next steps of our communications plan in an effort to encourage voter participation:
1. Deploy signs with QR codes near the entrances to at the Holcomb Building, Community Center, Woods Center, and Clubhouse
2. Engage with members one-on-one and in small groups at clubs, organizations, and event.
a. Hand distribute informational post cards at such activities
3. Update information on Digital Displays to show vote count status and the QR code.
4. Post 8.5 x 11 flyers or 11 x 17 posters on bulletin boards at various amenities throughout the community.
CLUBHOUSE REFRESH FURNITURE UPDATE: The new dates for completion of fabrication of the furniture for the Clubhouse Refresh project are below. Delivery dates for the furniture will be established by the freight service once the furniture is available for transport. Capital Projects Manager Michael Armstead is negotiating the freight and delivery services and can provide an update at the May 4 Board of Directors meeting.
• April 19 – Wells Industry Furniture Shipment- Communal Tables
• May 3 – Charter Furniture Shipment 1- Dining Chairs
• May 31 – Charter Furniture Shipment 2- Sectionals
• June 4 – Shelby Williams Furniture Shipment- Barstools, Banquet Chairs, Tables
SUMMER AMENITY GUIDE: LOWA Communications has sent the 12th Annual Summer Amenity Guide insert to press for publication in the April 19 issue of the Lake Currents. The guide features a cover art photograph provided by Member Sarah Smith of the LOW Ski Team.
APRIL HORSE SHOW CANCELLED / RIDING LESSONS ADDED: Equestrian Center Manager Bridget Hutchens had scheduled a horse show for April 14 to boost her revenue at the end of the fiscal year, but that show has been cancelled. Due to unforeseen circumstance one of the participating barns had to back out of the event, which resulted in an insufficient number of registrants to warrant hosting the show. Bridget has already booked additional lessons that weekend, as well as offering registered show participants the opportunity for a ticketed schooling to try and offset the revenue loss.
BEACH CLEAN UP & SEASONAL PREPARATIONS: The LOWA Grounds Crew has begun preparing the beaches for peak seasonal use. The grounds crew has already deployed self-serve goose dropping rakes and scoops at each of the beaches and has reinstalled trash can with the intent of maintaining them year-round as suggested by the Lakes Committee.
DITCH RESTORATION PROJECT CONTRACT: Item 7.2 Consideration of Awarding a Contract for the Ditch Restoration and Improvements Project with Funds to Come from the Repair and Replacement Reserve has been deferred to the May 4 meeting.
To: LOWA Board of Directors
From: Phil Rodenberg, General Manager PR
Date: April 10, 2024
Re: General Manager’s Report
MARCH FINANCIALS: In March, we collected $56,918 in FY23/24 lot assessments, for a total of $8,141,356 or 97.0% of the total lot assessments billed. This compares to total lot assessment collections of $7,641,091 or 97.2% of amounts billed in the prior fiscal year. As of March 31, the Unaudited Income Statement Budget to Actual Comparison Summary showed an unfavorable variance of $99,542. This variance resulted primarily from favorable variances from New Construction and Renovation (NCR) Fee collections, Community Activities, Maintenance, Roads, and Grounds, offset by unfavorable variances in the other amenity operations. Part of the amenity unfavorable variance includes the remediation costs of $102,000 at Fitness Center, approximately $35,000 in expenses related to the Keatons Run Dam Spillway repairs, and $19,282 for the repair of our Track Loader.
Our delinquency rate at March 31 was 2.8% compared to 2.9% as of last March. As of February 2, 2024, all members who are not on a Director of Finance payment plan were considered past due. Late payment and interest charges have been applied to all past due account balances, follow up payment reminder and collection letters and statements continue to be sent out. The Finance Department continues to actively work to collect all remaining amounts outstanding and continues to encourage all Members who may be experiencing financial issues to contact them as soon as possible.
PATRICK HENRY COURT DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT: The project to improve stormwater drainage from Hollyfield Park towards the Small Marina is in the plan review and permitting phase. We plan to bid the project in Summer 2024 for construction in Fall 2024 (after November 15). Don Rissmeyer and Kevin Utt from A. Morton Thomas and Associates will address the project along with other projects during the April 17 Board meeting. In a separate memo to the Board, I am providing AMT's responses to the first round of comments from Virginia DEQ, Orange County, and the Culpeper SWCD. This is at the request of Director Henecke.
2019 MEMBER SURVEY: The 2019 Member Survey was conducted between April 5 – May 1 2019.Of particular influence on management and board decisions was the question that asked members to rate items that could potentially improve our community. At the top three topics were (1) Increase Teen Activities, (2) Increase Family Social Activities, (3) Increase ECC Enforcement. The LOWA AGM, Community Operations Manager and Pools and Community Activities Committee have added several new programs and events over the past few years that are geared at targeting the first two topics. The LOWA Board of Directors and the GM have implemented several polices in an effort to address the third topic, and have launched the 2024 Restrictive Covenants Referendum to help bring back violation charges as enforcement tools.
The top three topics from the survey comments were (1) Increase ECC Enforcement, (2) Improve walking and biking trails, and (3) Improve Common Area Drainage. To address the second issue, LOWA Management and the LOWA Board of Directors have added new / wider shoulders at various Lakeview Parkway locations and have plans to improve / re-pave other existing walking trails. LOWA Board & Management commissioned A. Morton Thomas & Associates with providing LOWA with an updated Lakes & Stormwater Management Plan. This summary is provided at the request of Director Henecke.
ASPHALT SCHEDULE: The Asphalt Paving Services IFB is open and bids are due on April 25, Board award May 15 (originally scheduled for April 17).
CAPITAL PROJECTS MANAGER: The General Manager is pleased to announce we have hired Michael Armstead as our new Capital Projects Manager. He joined LOWA on April 8. Michael has more than eight years of experience in construction, construction administration, and project management. Michael’s most recent position was with CPL Architects in Charlotte, NC, where he worked as a Construction Administrator. Michael hails from Caroline County, VA. He holds a Bachelor degree in Sociology from the University of Lynchburg (VA). Please join me in welcoming Michael to the LOWA team!
LAKES MANAGEMENT IMPROVEMENT PLAN REPORT: The semi-annual LMIP report has been moved to the May 15 meeting to give new Environmental Resources Manager Elizabeth Meadows time to prepare the report.
GOLF COURSE NUTRIENT PLAN APPROVED: We received the good news that on March 25, 2024, the Virginia Department of Conservation & Recreation approved the LOWA Golf Course Nutrient Management Plan. The Plan expires on March 25, 2029. The Plan is used by International Golf Maintenance (IGM) to maintain the golf course in a manner that protects the Main Lake and Keatons Lake by ensuring the minimum movement of nitrogen and phosphorous from the specified area of application. The Plan’s focus is to keep nitrogen and phosphorus out of our Lakes, the Rapidan and Rappahannock Rivers, and ultimately the Chesapeake Bay.