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Project Update, October 5, 2018


 Clubhouse Area Recreation Complex 
Project Update October 5, 2018
Reported by Wack General Contracting 

Wack Project Management Timeline
Week in Review for 10-1-18
     Activities on site this week were concentrated on getting the site dry due to the amount of rain we have had these past few weeks. The site contractor for the first part of the week continued the process of soil scarification. We then had Proof Rolls performed on the whole site in order to see if enough drying had been achieved to resume grading. Proof Rolling is a method of testing the level of density of the soil. A loaded tandem axle dump truck is used by having the driver drive back and forth over the entire area of the site while the inspector watches to see if any movement (rolling) or rutting is taking place. If too much of either of these two actions take place the inspector knows that the compaction of that area has not yet been achieved. This unfortunately is what we encountered throughout due to the amount of moisture being retained in the soil. So the drying process continues with the aid of the wonderful weather we have had this week which has helped out a lot. On Monday of next week we will perform another Proof Roll which should pass, and enable us to resume all grading activities, and get us back on track. Fingers, and toes crossed!
Week in Preview for 10-8-18
  • This weeks activities will focus on getting the site ready for Olympia Pools, and Biringer Concrete. We have scheduled another Proof Roll for Monday afternoon. If this passes it will allow the grading activities to resume. Both contractors are eager to begin, as are we. 
  •   Noise expected to be heard will continue to be those of the site equipment engines, and back up alarms. The occasional banging of the dump truck tailgates maybe heard as well. 
  Construction traffic in the area will continue to be light this week with much of the activities taking place on the site itself.